Since 1975, we have implemented dozens of projects seeking to improve communities and preserve some of the most diverse wilderness in the world. From clean water projects and investing in greener farms to art therapy and tourism, the Southeast Tennessee RC&D has been our region’s biggest fan for nearly 45 years.
Our Mission
To serve communities and protect the natural resources of Southeast Tennessee.
What We've Achieved
From 2009 and through 2021, we will have implemented over $1,000,000 in improvements to water quality, litter mitigation, and farm improvements in Southeast Tennessee
Through our 319 Nonpoint Source Pollution grants, we have been involved in three stream delistings from the 303d list (streams that are not meeting their designated uses), including over 20 miles of the Sequatchie river - which provides drinking water to thousands of people in Sequatchie county.
Recognized by the State of TN and Region 4 EPA for excellence in implementing clean water grants
Curators and Educators of the Bonnaroo Learning Garden
Home of regional Envirothon
Chosen as a Pineapple Fund recipient from thousands of international candidates
Launched Tennessee’s first Litter Mitigation program